The Scooby summer newsletter is 12 pages long. Sadly they don't have anyone to put it on the Internet available for me to link you to it. So over the next few weeks I'll be posting parts of the newsletter here. The first part - there are 9! - is about the Scooby van which suffered front end damage. No photos to post as I can't save them from the pdf file.
' The Scooby Van
Our van is back on its wheels! For that we are very grateful to a grant-funding body we contacted to help us make up the shortfall left by the insurance claim. Even though we were not at fault in the accident, the insurance policy paid only part of the cost of the repair.
And it was a big one! In addition to the damaged wing, we needed a new chassis. Our supportive mechanic and owner of our local Iveco garage restored the van to full working order within the most costeffective budget he possibly could.
The van repair was completed by the end of April and since then we have transported 17 dogs to the UK; 25 to Italy and 24 galgos to Madrid airport over two occasions for the Daphne Legacy Tour team accompanying them to new homes in the USA. We have also driven the 1,200km round trip to Sevilla and Andalucia to rescue 36 galgos. We collected them from various rescues in crisis and some directly from hunters. It was a lot of miles and hours to do in a day but, of course, worth it.
The van helped us save a lot of dogs in a couple of months by any standard but in fact we usually do more trips than this. We used to be on the road pretty much every other weekend. Sadly, our donations have declined and the number of adoptions
internationally is diminishing in light of increasing dog food costs, vet fees and animal insurance premia. All of this impacts the willingness of adopters to take rescue dogs, who more than likely come with a history, into their families. Consequently we cannot rescue as many dogs as we used to while our shelter spaces are full and our own costs rising. We write more about this later in the bulletin.'