Rescuing abandoned animals is a never-ending story.
More and more we get appeals for help from private people who find or see dogs wandering in the streets, in the fields, etc.
Also from other shelters that can't handle the massive influx of dogs.
We are a small shelter with limited places and with a lot of pain in the heart we sometimes have to say no.
While all shelters are still busy helping and saving dumped dogs from last hunting season, last Sunday the bang of the guns could be heard again, the new hunting season has already started again.
All support / help stays welcome.
PayPal: [email protected]
Banktransfer: IBAN ES95 2085 8268 3603 3023 5226
Banktransfer: IBAN BE10 0018 7407 9204
Teaming: galgos Rescue Almería (support for 1€ a month)