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Joëlle Oldenbourg

Dear Beryl,
Thank you so much for all this work and this new book. We have partaked your link on our Facebook page, it will soon be on our blogs.
We are happy to say that we created a "collectif européen pour la protection des Lévriers" and that its/our request for a specific legislation for all Hounds in Europe was accepted to be the subject of a written declaration to the European Parliament. W'll soon give you the exact link of its publication and we invite all Greyhound, Galgo and Hound lovers and protectors to ask their Euro Député to sign it. All details this week.
THank you again.
Best regards,
Joelle Oldenbourg, Galgos Ethique Europe president

Céline Derouin

Book ordered in French, payed by paypal. I hope you'll send tonns of it!! Thanks for those forgotten hounds, except in the heart of a few of us... Kindly, a french dog lover in Reunion Island

Céline Derouin

sorry for the mistake: SELL tonns of it

Beryl Brennan

TypePad HTML Email

Packaged and ready to post on Monday. Thank
you for caring.

sabine Maton

i want to buy it in french but How to pay, I don't have paypal ...Joêlle Oldenbourg please help me...I'm a old woman

Beryl Brennan


Im now away in Spain for 11 days and access to the Internet and emails will be very limited. If your message is important, please resend it to me after 1st October. If it relates to a dog needing help, please try one of the associations listed on Galgo News and Podenco Post or post on my facebook pages Save the Galgo, Podenco Post and Help the Podencos.

Thank you.

Beryl Brennan

Sabine, you can send me a French euro cheque if you wish - or euro notes - if you dont know anyone with Paypal. Beryl

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