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Shared. This is a very well-written letter, straighforward and not hyper-emotional. Hopefully enough people will respond and get something done.


how do I do this (may already have done it, so many f.b animal friends, need a log book on whos who + what I have done!!!!!!!Do you know, have I done it?????(daft or what!!!)

Beryl Brennan

TypePad HTML Email

Hi You will see I have explained
what to do. Copy and paste the letter into a Word document. Then go
on the link to find the names and addresses of the different departments
of the national government and the provincial governments. Its quite

Then print off the letters and post to




Just got through printing everything out---will sign and send out early this week.

Beryl Brennan

TypePad HTML Email

Thanks Val, youre always a great support.
Please circulate everyone you know who would join in.




this as now been fwd to a a friend of mine we will get to work on this

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