The following is a report from the Eurogroup for Animals in respect of animal welfare conditions in Europe.
'The European Parliament has called on the European Commission to take clear action to improve the welfare conditions of animals throughout the course of its current mandate. Voting overwhelmingly in favour of Marit Paulsen’s report on the Evaluation and Assessment of the Animal Welfare Action Plan 2006-2010, MEPs signalled that they would like to see measures put in place to develop, implement and enforce animal welfare legislation.
Eurogroup for Animals welcomes the strong support of MEPs for actions aimed at improving animal well-being in Europe. The continued commitment of MEPs also mirrors the fact that the protection and welfare of animals is enshrined in Article 13 of the Lisbon Treaty which recently entered into force.
“The adoption of this Report by the European Parliament shows that its members are in touch with the concerns of Europe’s citizens. The majority with which it was adopted also sends a clear message to the European Commission that it must act. Animal welfare must be central to all future European legislation and the Commission must also look at all currently enacted legislation and improve its monitoring and enforcement”, said Sonja Van Tichelen, Director of Eurogroup.
Eurogroup will continue to work with the European Parliament to urge the Commission to produce a new Animal Welfare Action Plan as soon as possible and to ensure that it contains adequate measures to ensure all current EU law affecting animal welfare is enforced in all member states.
Let us hope that they have success in doing so!!!
Posted by: Valarie | 24 May 2010 at 06:28 PM
Agree. Trouble is, they are mostly grey men in grey suits talking about doing something and, in the meantime, getting fat cat payments for talking about talking.
Posted by: Beryl Brennan | 24 May 2010 at 07:35 PM