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I am surprised to read that these fast hounds make good pets.they are sidehounds and run like the wind when they see a cat, rabit or squirrel, like the grey hounds you always have to keep them on a leash, everywhere or they are gone.

Beryl Brennan

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Thank you for reading Galgo News and
commenting. Yes, they are a hunting breed, but some of them are failed
hunters and live quite happily with cats, especially if they are the only dog
and therefore dont have the same pack instinct. My first greyhound
lived quite happily with 2 cats, she even let one of the kittens suckle her! She
also lived with 2 other dogs.Having said that, my 3 cats here know to keep out
of the courtyard when the 4 dogs are loose. (1 lurcher, 2 galgas and a podenca)
Probably also a galgo puppy can be brought up to live with cats, perhaps someone
who has adopted a galgo puppy can tell me?


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