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Catherine Morton

What a truly heartbreaking story. I am so glad he has finally found love, even if only for a short time. What has happened to the other galgos at the "refuge"? Can anything be done to shut it down and the dogs transferred to somewhere where they won't just be left and where they will actually have a chance at finding a loving home?


Bon Soir Catherine

There are usually all types of dogs in the refuges, not just galgos. I will ask Cristina what will happen to the other dogs. Probably they will stay there, all the Spanish refuges are overwhelmed with abandoned dogs - euthenasia doesn't seem to be on the agenda of most of them because they can't afford the vets' fees for that - about 80 euros per dog, I think.

For me, if the same rules applied in Spain as apply in the UK, the 'volunteers' who imprisoned Kamal and allowed him to deteriorate to this condition would be arrested, charged with cruelty, and probably be jailed.

All dog lovers need to unite and make a very strong voice to get the Spanish animal protection laws enforced.

Thank you for your comment and for reading Galgo News. Please support the campaigns I am running - letter to the Spanish Prime Minister, Email to the Environment Minister, Demand It for a publicity concert in Paris with Maria Daines. Also the letter re proposed greyhound racing in Jamaica.

These gentle and affectionate dogs really need your support, and that of your family, friend, work colleagues.........

I hope to let you know what is happening to the other dogs in the refuge where Kamal was found, but I don't hold out much hope of good news.




There are between 60-70 dogs at the refuge. There are no more galgos amongst them.

They have not been abandoned this time, but I have been asked not to report anything further until the matter has been finalised.




It is hoped that the remaining dogs will eventually removed from Arganda, but it is likely the owner will not be prosecuted. Can you believe it?!!

Oh, that the UK would join Europe and then make sure that their animal protection laws would be enforced throughout the Union! This is one rare occasion when I'm 'all for one and one for all'!

What do you think?


Sheila Gredzinski

oh Cristina you truly are an Angel to so many, this has brought the happiest sad tears to my eyes, thank you for sharing!


Hi Sheila

Thank you for reading Galgo News and the story of this amazing dog. Cristina is a very brave lady to have rescued him and given him chance to spend his last days in comfort and love.



Reading this through floods of happy tears for Kamal and sad tears for Cristina, just had to write this.
She is a very special lady who I have the privilege to speak to, just to update her on my two beautiful galgas..we have emailed and spoken on the phone. Dedicated, caring, passionate...all words to describe this lovely person...but still not enough...Congratulations Cristina...Kamal will spend his last months(hopefully longer) in comfort and know what love is.

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