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ulla keller


I do not agree with the policy to neuter
dogs and bitches under ALL circumstances.
-NEUTERING by itself is an operation under
anaesthesia, with all the wellknown
problems that might occur
- if it is done too early, the animal has
no chance to develop properly physically
and psychologically
- it is affecting the hormone system,
unbalancing it, sometimes bringing
underlying problems (malfunction of the
thyroid gland) to become pathological
- older males not necessarily get "softer",
as a dominant behaviour often has been
- some bitches might get tougher, as their
testosterone level now is not longer
counterbalanced by oestrogen
- some other dogs react critically to
aggressively towards neutered dogs

so there are risks, which should be taken into consideration, when making the decision.
Neutered bitches don't come into season,
its cleaner and easier for the owners.
And the risks of breastcancer is lower.
But, this cannot automatically justify
Placing a rescue dog in a new home,it is
always a risk, and one never can be 100%
sure, to have found the right owner.
So, there is personal assessment of the
person, the circumstances of living,
and most of all .....trust.
Why not leave the decision to them, to
neuter or not, when they might have even
more difficult decisions to make concerning
the adopted dog in the future ?
I personnally have a pack of four bitches
(12,9,1 year and 3months old), none of them
has been neutered and when I had a male,
he underwent vasectomy, so he couldn't
produce puppies but was "intact" as a male.
So, it is possible.



Thank you so much for taking the time to a)read Galgo News and b) to reply in such depth to a post.

We are all, as individuals, entitled to our own views, which are often based on our own personal experiences.

But I think we all have to accept that the basic problem in Spain as far as the galgos is concerned, is over breeding, and therefore, to control the possible use of rescued galgos for further breeding is to be congratulated.

Personally, I think that all professional showing of dogs should be banned. It encourages the over breeding of all predigree dogs, especially in the UK, where conformation faults can be inbred as 'fashion' styles - what does the dog know if it should have a much more squashed nose - which produces breathing problems - or sloping hind quarters - which produces hip problems - all because of fashion!

So, basically, I think personally there are hundreds of thousands of dogs produced, many of which end up in refuges and rescue centres, and anything which controls this is welcome.

Every animal which I have had, in over 60 years of owning dogs, cats and horses, has been castrated, with no side effects, no problems to the health of the animal - whatever age they were castrated, and I had a bitch and a dog who were both castrated when they were 7 years of age - separately - with no detrimental effects, the dog lived till he was 18 years old.

Those that are still living - to the greatest of their life expectancy - have I am sure, been negated the risk of cancer and other diseases which they could have run the risk of developing, had they been left whole.

It is good to have healthy open debate on such a topic.

But personally, I think all animals should be neutered, to cut down the problems of inter-breeding genetic faults - as in the showing world - and producing so many unwanted animals that the refuges - especially in Spain - cannot cope.

Thank you again for your valued contribution.

So, it is a

ulla keller

I think , the problem of ethical breeding,
avoiding genetic problems,
is a very serious one, but a DIFFERENT one.
The problem we are facing in Spain, mainly
has to do with abandoning hunting dogs,
that do not perform.
Dogs are being bred in large numbers, and
those that do not perform,those that are sick or getting older ,are being treated like garbage.
We obviously cannot reduced the numbers
of hunting dogs being bred in Spain, we
may help the dogs being abandoned by
given them a new home.
So, the question is, should the bitches
and dogs being neutered under ALL
circumstances before rehoming them ?
To make this decision, one has to know All
the facts, those that speak for neutering
and those that give reason, not to do it.
This should be discussed between the rescue
organisation and the new owner in EACH case.
If a rescue organisation does not trust a
new owner to make a responsible decision
concerning neutering,
how can they trust that this owner will
be able to take care for the dog for the
rest of its life ?


It's good to have debate on this, and to consider different views.

At the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

And I think that is where we leave it. For people to decide for themselves, after reading and digesting all the information to hand.

Thanks for your interest in Galgo News.

Barbara Jacobsen

I am in favour of spaying an neutering. Let us consider the Galgo and their general living conditions in Spain.

The females are often massively overused as breeding machines. Each year, we see pictures of the results, such as hanged, starved, pierced, abandoned dogs, bitches and puppies.

This forced overpopulation makes it more or less necessary for neutering and spaying.

When one person adopts one dog, that leaves room for one more dog to be rescued.

If you have an unaltered bitch ... well, accidents happen. And you are adding to the overpopulation. This sabotages the whole concept of Galgo rescues, as each person who accept your puppies is one less potential rescuer of an extremely needy Galgo.

Every rescue the world over, and everyone who cares about rescues should have the same slogan ... ADOPT AND RESCUE INSTEAD OF BUY OR BREED.

Beryl Brennan

Further to Barbara's comment, for which I thank you very much.

Research shows that the majority of people involved with dog rescue, rehoming etc, think the only way to deal with the problem is neutering and spaying.

This is something the RSPCA International is working on. They have videos and exercise books in several languages for use by teachers in schools, to educate children in responsible ownership of animals.

Everyone has their own opinion on the subject, but the majority is in favour of neutering and spaying.


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