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Poppy Chapman

cattle dogs are not only dog, they are great companion to people. we should love, care and treat them as part of our family.

Beryl Brennan

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You are right, dogs are the most fantastic
companions to us humans and everyone should love and respect them.

Thanks for caring and commenting.




There is a good book on helping shy dogs:

Deborah Wood:
Help for Your Shy Dog: Turning Your Terrified Dog Into a Terrific Pet


The book is about how to handle shy and traumatized dogs. Deborah Wood had such a dog and she had to learn how to cope with this issue.
The main topics in this book are phobias, fear from humans, urinating when the owner of the dog arrives home etc.

I have the book and I found it very helpful.

Beryl Brennan

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Hi Thanks for the information; hopefully
people will find it a great help as a reference book.


Maryann Russell

I have the pleasure of owning 2 greyhounds as pets a
And the have beautiful natures. With the right people, and there are many around, all dogs can Learn and be rehabilitated to kitteto live happy full lives and become valuable members of a loving family. PLEASE give them the second chance they deserve.

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